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led panel light - China Manufacturer
Thank you for inquiry my led panel light, Tel:+86-574-87641051 E-MAIL:sales@everlightings.com
The use of LED as a light bulb to replace the threaded screw-in incandescent light bulbs has many advantages. In general, we will be Small (5-9), led flood light series, the use of a power line voltage is converted to low voltage (typically a few ten s of volts) when the current is about 350 to 700mA. Determine how best to allow users with the line voltage isolation process, we need careful consideration, weighing the pros and cons. We can achieve power isolation, such isolation can also be in the LED installation process. In some low-power design, the LED physical isolation is a common method because it allows the use of lower cost non-isolated power. A 120 volt AC power for the LED-powered, non-isolated circuit. It contains a power supply bridge rectifier buck power stage. The buck regulator is an "upside-down version of" the power switch Q2 in the loop, while the circulation diode D3 is connected to power. During the power switch conduction through a source resistance of the current regulation. While doing so the efficiency is quite high (80% -90%), but this circuit there are several shortcomings limit efficiency. Turns on, the power switch must carry the full output current in the power switch is turned off , the output current flows through the circulation diode. In addition, the current sense resistor R8 and R10 voltage about 1 volt. Compared to the LED voltage of 15-30 volts, all three pressure drop, and power efficiency will constitute a restriction. More importantly, these losses will promote bulb temperature rise. LED light-emitting ability will be slowly reduced, and this capability with led landscape lighting operating temperature are closely related. 70oC under the conditions of the LED light output to reduce 30% of the time exceeded 50,000 hours, 80oC conditions, this time only 30,000 hours. Because the bulbs are installed in some of the "tube", these "tube" tend to impede the heat is not conducive to convection cooling, heating problem is further complicated by the.