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led wall lights - China Manufacturer
Thank you for inquiry my led wall lights, Tel:+86-574-87641051 E-MAIL:sales@everlightings.com
The phone needs to 7 LEDs for display backlighting, and two LEDs to indicate. As the cost and mechanical requirements, handset manufacturers use the red / green (RG) LED to the effective realization of the three condit ions of standby notice: unread messages, low battery, and appointments. For each condition, the LED emits light of different colors: red, green or yellow (red + green).
The ADP8866 provides an ideal solution for this common situation shown in Figure 1. 9 LED channels, seven of which used to illuminate the display, RG LED red and green signals are controlled by the remaining two channels, resulting in a flashing mode shown in Figure 2.
The ADP8866 the board includes a graphical programming utility, shown in Figure 3; its I2C register set for the implementation of the indicator flashes function.
Figure 3 shows the register settings will first produce a 250 ms, 10 mA red (Sink) pulse, wait until extinguished 500 ms before to produce a 250 ms red light pulse. The second red light pulse and the green pulse mixed to generate a yellow light, it only consumes half of the current (5 mA) can provide the same brightness. The green LED (Sink) has a simil ar setup, but the first pulse will be delayed. When the second green light pulse is extinguished, the system will wait 12 seconds, then repeat. This sequence is enabled, all three colors are successively repeated flashes, shown in Figure 2. If you need a red light or green light, only enable the first or third pulse. If you only need to produce the red and yellow notice the red Led downlights is enabled in the first and second pulse, while the green LED should only be enabled in the second pulse.