
Ground source heat pump air conditioning units high temperature heat accepting to take over energy conservation and more efficient

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Ground source heat pump integration made cold air conditioning units, heating and the subsistence hot water in one, the place of an energy efficient air conditioning product. G round source heat pump unit with the General Orders of energy facilities analogy can save% or more, the high-temperature heat below comfortable net for Master introductions said raised more accepting to take over the ground source heat pump is energy saving. Craft characteristics of the ground source heat pump air conditioning units: the high temperature heat of the pressure expansion machine to accept the type of take over the ground source heat pump facilities commonly used pressure inflation machine secondary screw pressure inflation machine, full blockade of the vortex pressure inflation semi-blockade piston pressure inflation machine Britain at the end of the differences between types of things characteristic of the pressure expansion machine than the force to study the normal selection full blockade of the vortex pressure inflation machine. The craft characteristics of the ground source heat pump air conditioning units: the ozone layer in accordance with the high tempe rature heat accepting to take over the biggest thing the pressure of the ground source heat pump facilities ≤ br, using hostile R as made refrigerant as working fluid had no effect on the ozone layer. Craft characteristics of the ground source heat pump air conditioning unit: Power is within the facility addition of an electronic expansion valve and oil each other jointly, add the invariance of the pressure of facility operation; because the oil break up the device volume ratio of the commonly-made cooling unit, different time accommodate the high temperature and high pressure refrigerant vapor is made of cold than the commonly used units in large pressure expansion machine to start small resistance, low starting current, the screw unit starting current is rated operation current times the vortex machine times the rated operating current. not only energy-saving, and ineffective peace pressure inflation machine, the user is unnecessary due to the current and Capacity. Grou nd source heat pump air conditioning units craft features: pressure expansion machine to the use of life young life young pressure inflation, especially making cold supply and return water temperature is below ℃ ℃ above hot water occurs, the operation current is still being rated current % or less, will not jump drive or burn-in, breaking the previous heat pump host of hot water to reach ℃ burn-in bottlenecks. Craft characteristics of the ground source heat pump air conditioning units: the higher the heat accepting took over the rate of oil broke up with electronic flow section made valve flow section made available to high-temperature heat accepting to take over ground source heat pump air conditioning units compared with general orders a double-effect heat pump The higher the thermal unit accepting to take over the rate. Craft characteristics of the ground source heat pump air conditioning units: the the refrigerant secret wide open high-temperature heat accepting to take over the ground source heat pump air conditioning unit refrigerant secret wide open system, able to link the high pressure side of pressure characteristics of the low voltage side of the higher pressure of the more commonly used craft , is the low pressure side of the saturation state of war refrigerant, completely vaporize the liquid refrigerant to avoid a not a pressure expansion of the liquid refrigerant to enter the pressure expansion, the formation of overloading the damage to the pressure of inflation, that is, those who said the solution hit hidden like. Ground source heat pump air conditioning units craft features: pressure bulge machine optimization section made uniform pressure expansion machine running time optimization section of build mode, all the high temperature heat accepting the high temperature of the young time of take over the ground source heat pump air conditioning units to the same operation of the war the use of life, and ground source temperat ure of war winter heat source temperature, conditioning the high temperature heat pump operating premise of things form of warfare. Ground source heat pump air conditioning units and conservative local air conditioning analogy, the more energy-saving disadvantage. Inexhaustible add followed by building the building energy consumption, green building architectural point of view was mentioned by more and more people, ground source heat pump air conditioning units can significantly reduce the energy consumption of buildings built to cut energy waste, ground source heat pump craft had been commonly used in the areas of energy-saving building built.
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